Argus O.M.R. Fuels

Germany's robust and comprehensive basis for supply contracts

Argus O.M.R. fuels report is a all-in-one solution for pricing information across the German oil and gas market, accessible in one place.

The report gives you access to end-of-day pricing and weekly AdBlue® assessments, comprehensive insights into the biofuels markets, new legislation, changes in the flow of goods, refinery outages and analyses of market trends. News stories and market commentaries explain the reasons for certain price developments, so you get a better understanding of price changes.


  • Gain confidence through access to reliable volume-weighted average prices that representatively summarise the entire market.
  • Increase your security of supply with supply contracts based on precise spot price assessments.
  • Ensure competitiveness with price assessments that accurately reflect wholesale prices for heating oil, diesel and gasoline in your region.
  • Save time and minimise risk through automated data delivery via FTP.


  • Understand and verify contract prices:
    • Overview of all low, mean and high assessments
    • VWA Argus O.M.R. price assessments
    • Assessments can be analysed on a weekly, 10-day, half-monthly and monthly basis
    • Liquidity analysis of the market by volume information for traded deals
    • Robust, transparent and independent methodology based on transactional data
    • Independent compliance standard for data quality according to IOSCO
    • Price assessments for diesel cargo markets, AdBlue, LNG, GHG quota, Rhine freight rates
  • Analysing cyclical trends through historical considerations:
    • Years of price history available via an easy-to-access Excel plug-in
  • Key factors are proactively monitored:
    • Weekly update on current and planned refinery shutdowns in Germany
    • Rhine freight rates and water level information for supply security
    • Daily Argus O.M.R. Fuels report with analysis of the latest trends and relevant fuel market news
    • Biodiesel and GHG quota developments included
    • International ARA price developments included
    • ICE Brent, ICE Gasoil, ARA price developments for diesel, heating oil, Eurobob Oxy, Eurobob Non-Oxy
    • ECB exchange rates, import parities and energy price charts on electricity, gas, LNG, crude oil and more
  • Simplified access to the data:
    • All data can be accessed via the Argus O.M.R. platform, reports, Excel plug-in and FTP download

Market participants that benefit

  • Refinery operators
  • Retailers/importers
  • Gas station operators
  • Tank storage operators
  • Vehicle fleet operators

To ensure that you can trust our price assessments, they follow a robust, publicly available methodology. External auditors regularly check that the prices have been assessed in accordance with the methodology.

You can view the methodology of the Argus O.M.R. Fuels Report here: German / English